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Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound’s piercing eyes and long, flowing hair make it an impressive sight. With a history spanning thousands of years, they are a very old dog breed that is well-known for their independence, intelligence, and loyalty. These dogs were bred by the Afghan Bedouin people to hunt gazelles and other small game in the difficult mountainous terrain of that country. In addition to being employed by the Afghan army as war dogs, Afghan Hounds were frequently portrayed in historical works of literature and art. They are still well-liked pets today, but they are also compete in dog shows and other events.

Do your homework and locate a reliable breeder if you are thinking about getting an Afghan hound for your house. Even though they are amazing dogs, they need a certain type of owner. Since they require a lot of room to run around and play, they are not the ideal option for apartment living.

Adopting from rescue groups or shelters should be your top priority when thinking about adopting an Afghan hound in order to give a dog in need a loving home. But if you are going to buy an Afghan Hound puppy, you really need to pick a reliable breeder. Make sure the breeder prioritises the welfare of their dogs and adheres to ethical standards by conducting in-depth investigation. Reputable Afghan Hound breeders give careful consideration to their dogs’ temperament and overall health, perform any required medical examinations, and provide their puppies a loving home. This proactive approach discourages unethical breeding practices and guarantees that you bring home a happy and healthy puppy.

Quick Facts

Origin: Afghanistan

Size: Large, standing 24-28 inches tall and weighing 50-60 pounds

Breed Group: Hound; some registries classify this as the Sporting Group.

Lifespan: 12–14 years

Coat: Long, flowing, and silky. usually white, black, cream, fawn, red, or brindle. 

Temperament: independent, courteous, refined, and loyal. affable with relatives but guarded around outsiders. 

Exercise Needs: Moderate. Playtime and daily walks are vital, though not as demanding as they might be for certain other breeds.

Training: Needs owners with experience. Sometimes self-sufficient and distant, requiring time and encouragement. Socialisation at an early age is important.

Health: generally good but susceptible to a few ailments, such as ear infections, cataracts, and hip dysplasia. needs frequent grooming because of its lengthy coat.

There are only roughly 2,000 of these dogs registered in the US each year, making them relatively uncommon dogs.

Afghan Hounds excel at lure coursing, a sport that mimics the pursuit of live game with a mechanical lure, thanks to their sighthound ancestry. They can display their innate abilities and athleticism in this way.

Homer experiences a hallucination of an Afghan Hound in “Bart’s in Jail,” the second episode of Season 33 of “The Simpsons.”

Overview of Afghan Hounds

The Afghan Hound was first used in Afghanistan’s mountains and deserts to hunt large animals. For warmth, they required a bulky, flowing coat. The Afghan’s ability to run quickly and far was highly prized. They bravely kept ferocious creatures at bay, including leopards, until a hunter on horseback arrived.

The Afghan people were highly esteemed for their capacity for autonomous thought and hunting, devoid of human guidance. The Afghan Hound of today does not pursue leopards, but it still has the independent spirit of a coursing hound.

Like puppies of any breed, an Afghan Hound puppy will eagerly seek affection from family members; however, this puppyhood behaviour can deceive unwary owners. As the Afghan puppy gets older, its adorable antics fade. An adult Afghan hound rarely shows affection to others and may even refuse hugs and pats. When it comes to wanting affection, the independent, free-thinking Afghan will determine for themselves and on their own terms, not yours.

Aside from their independence and apathy, Afghan Hounds can be very funny and sensitive when they want to be. The Afghan Hound is a mischievous breed that is frequently referred to as a “clown” by their loving family. There are numerous tales of this breed stealing items right under family members’ noses, even opening dresser drawers and stealing clothes. The Afghan’s keen vision, which allows them to see far farther than humans, and pivotal hip joints, which allow them to move quickly over terrain and around obstacles, make them ideal for the sport of lure coursing.

The purpose of lure coursing is to simulate game escaping by having the hounds pursue plastic bags. The dog’s sight-based hunting skills and basic coursing instinct are put to the test in this competition. The American Sighthound Field Association (ASFA) launched and is still in charge of this popular programme for both dogs and owners, having started in 1972. The Afghan Hound is a unique breed that can be enjoyed as a playful family friend or competing in coursing events.

Afghan Hound Highlights

Elegant and regal appearance: The Afghan Hound is well-known for having an elegant and regal appearance. Its features include a long, flowing coat, a characteristic topknot, and a dignified stance.

Sighthound Prowess:Afghan Hounds are sighthounds with great vision and quickness, which has historically made them adept hunters able to pursue and capture game based on sight rather than scent.

Self-Reliant: Afghan Hounds are renowned for their self-reliant and sometimes distant disposition. Even though they might be guarded around new people, they frequently develop close relationships with their family.

Long, Opulent Coat: 

The breed is characterised by a long, silky coat that requires regular brushing. The multicoloured coat enhances the Afghan Hound’s amazing and remarkable appearance. 

Sensibility: Although Afghan Hounds are intelligent canines, their independence can occasionally be confused with stubbornness. With these elegant hounds, positive reinforcement training techniques are typically successful.

Physical Fitness: Afghan Hounds are active canines that benefit greatly from frequent exercise. Their build is powerful and nimble. They enjoy playing and running, which makes them perfect for active families.

Moderate temperament: Despite their majestic appearance, Afghan hounds are often described as gentle and kind. They can get along with children and other animals if they are socialised properly.

Historical Importance: The history of the Afghan Hound is extensive and stretches back to antiquity. Its origins can be traced back to Afghanistan, among other diverse cultures and geographical regions.

History of Afghan Hounds

Tazi was the breed’s original name in Afghanistan, where the Afghan Hound originated. It has long been believed that the breed originated in pre-Christian times. According to recent DNA research, the Afghan Hound is among the oldest dog breeds, dating back thousands of years.

An English officer stationed close to Kabul is the first known breeder of Western Afghans. In 1925, Afghan Hounds from his Ghazni Kennel were shipped to England and eventually to America. The Afghan Hound Club of America was granted membership in the American Kennel Club in 1940, after the breed’s recognition by the AKC in 1926.

Zeppo Marx of the Marx Brothers was among the first to bring Afghan Hounds to America. When Barbie, who makes up over 80% of Mattel’s profits, and Beauty, her Afghan hound, made their way into the hearts and homes of countless American doll enthusiasts in the late 1970s, the hound’s popularity took off. The emergence of lure coursing competitions during this same decade increased the breed’s allure. The Afghan gained popularity as an AKC show ring star in the 1980s and, despite their independence, started competing in obedience.

Afghan Hound Size

Males weigh roughly 60 pounds and measure 27 inches, give or take an inch. Females weigh approximately 50 pounds and measure 25 inches, give or take one inch.

Afghan Hound Personality

Usually, an Afghan Hound belongs to a single person or family. This dog is not the kind to excitedly welcome guests. It is more likely that he will irritate them by showing no regard for their presence. Although certain hounds might bark once or twice when an unfamiliar person enters the house, this breed is not regarded as a reliable watchdog. The Afghans are difficult to train because of their independent thought processes. Generally speaking, this hound is not driven by food and does not have the same intense desire to please as many other breeds (such as the Golden Retriever).

Even though the Afghan puts on a magnificent show in the show ring, a refusal to cooperate has embarrassed more than one professional handler in the ring. Nevertheless, when given the choice, this breed is renowned for outperforming other breeds. This dog may become withdrawn or mildly antagonistic if handled roughly. This breed responds best to gentle handling, kindness, and patience—as well as an awareness that the dog may occasionally refuse to comply.

Afghan Hound Health

Although they are generally healthy, Afghans are susceptible to certain health issues like any breed. While not every Afghan will contract any or all of these illnesses, it is still vital to know about them if you are thinking about adopting one of these dogs.

Reactions to allergens: The symptoms in Afghans are the same as those in humans, including sneezing, discharge from the eyes and nose, itching, hairloss, and fatigue. Depending on the underlying cause, different treatments may be used, such as dietary modifications, medication, and environmental adjustments.

Cancer: Abnormal swelling of a sore or bump, sores that do not heal, bleeding from any opening in the body, and trouble breathing or urinating are all signs of canine cancer. Cancer patients receive chemotherapy, surgery, and medication treatments.

Eye cataracts: As the most common cause of vision loss in dogs, cataracts are described as a “partial or complete opacity of the lens” by the Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF). In certain cases, cataracts may require surgical removal, depending on their severity.

Underactive thyroid function: This is a thyroid gland disorder. Chronic ear infections, skin bacterial infections, hair loss, fatigue, and depression are among the symptoms. Medication and diet are the most popular forms of treatment for this illness.

Afghan Hound Care

Afghan Hounds like spending time inside with their loved ones. Although they are calm and laid back when at home, they are naturally energetic dogs that require daily exercise, preferably in the form of a lengthy walk or run. If you are keeping your hound in a yard, high-grade, secure fencing is a need. The Afghan dog is a skilled evader and very difficult to capture once it gets away. (Remember, they can outrun horses!) Positive reinforcement techniques are the most effective when used in consistent obedience training.

Afghan Hound Feeding

Aim for two to three cups of high-quality dry food per day, split into two meals. Instead of giving your Afghan dog free food, measure out his meals and feed him twice a day to keep him in good shape. 

Your adult dog’s food intake is determined by their size, age, build, metabolism, and degree of activity. Similar to people, each dog is unique, so their food requirements vary. More supplies are needed for an active dog than for a couch potato dog.

Additionally, the type of dog food you purchase matters; the higher the quality, the more your dog will benefit from it.

Give your dog the hands-on and eye tests if you are not sure if they are overweight. Look down at them first. There must to be a waist visible.. After that, lay your hands on their backs with your fingers spread downward and your thumbs running along their spine. Without applying much pressure, you should be able to feel their ribs but not see them. They need to eat less and exercise more if you are unable to. 

Afghan Hound Grooming and Coat Colour

When properly maintained, the coat of an Afghan dog is amazing. It is thick and silky with a very fine texture akin to human hair. There’s a long, silky topknot on the head. Every part of the body, even the feet and ears, is heavily haired, except the back. In mature dogs, the hair is smooth, short, and close to the back.

The American Kennel Club breed standard (standardised guidelines for the breed) allows any solid colour, though some colour combinations are deemed the most aesthetically pleasing. Afghans have to groom themselves. The coat tends to tangle easily because it is so fine. Frequent bathing and regular, even daily, brushing and combing are essential. Given how time-consuming and challenging grooming an Afghan dog can be, many parents choose to hire a professional groomer to maintain the coat in good condition. Although parents can learn to manage the coat if they are willing to put in a lot of effort, it is definitely not a job for beginners. 

When your Afghan puppy is a puppy, start acclimating him to being brushed and examined. Dogs are sensitive when it comes to their feet, so handle their paws often and examine their mouths and ears. Establish a rewarding and positive grooming experience, and you will create the foundation for simple veterinary examinations and handling when they are an adult.

Ear infections are common in all breeds that have pendant, or hanging, ears. Every week, examine your Afghan’s ears and clean them using a cotton ball dipped in a cleanser your veterinarian has recommended. You risk damaging your ear canal if you insert cotton swabs or anything else inside of it. If the inside of your Afghan’s ear smells bad, appears red, or feels tender, or if they shake their head a lot or scratch at their ear, they may have an ear infection.

At least twice or three times a week, brush your Afghan’s teeth to get rid of bacteria and tartar buildup. It is even better to brush every day to avoid gum disease and bad breath. If your dog does not wear down their nails naturally, trim them once or twice a month. They are too long if you can hear them clicking on the ground. Short, well-trimmed nails protect the condition of the feet and save your legs from being scraped when your dog jumps up to say hello.

While you are grooming, look for sores, rashes, or infection indicators like redness, tenderness, or swelling on the skin, in the mouth, nose, eyes, and ears, as well as on the feet. The eyes shouldn’t be red or discharged. Your thorough weekly check-up will assist you in identifying possible health issues early on.

Kids With Afghan Hounds And Other Animals

The Afghan is best suited as an adult companion due to their large size and independent nature. It is unlikely that the Afghan will want to play with kids and follow them around. In fact, the Afghan may get startled by a child’s fast movements and loud noises. However, with the right socialisation, the Afghan can become a loving member of a family and adapt to living with children. It is usually the case that Afghan Hounds prefer the company of other Afghan Hounds. The Afghan will put up with other household pets, or even ignore them. It should come as no surprise that Afghans have a hunter’s instinct that drives them to pursue small animals, particularly if they flee.

Afghan Hound Rescue Organisations

Adopting Afghans is a common practice among people who are unclear about the requirements for owning one. Numerous Afghans are in need of foster care or adoption. If you would like to rescue or foster an Afghan Hound, a good place to start would be the Afghan Hound Rescue of Southern California.

Organisations for the Afghan Hound Breed

One of the most crucial choices you will make when getting a new dog is finding a trustworthy breeder. Reputable breeders are dedicated to producing healthy, socialised puppies that will grow up to be wonderful friends. They will socialise their puppies from an early age, screen their breeding stock for health issues, and offer you lifetime support.

However, backyard breeders are less concerned with producing healthy, well-mannered dogs and more focused on turning a profit. They might fail to check the health of their breeding stock and fail to properly socialise their puppies. Puppies from backyard breeders are therefore more likely to experience behavioural and/or health problems.

Good and bad aspects about Afghan Hounds

Good Things about Afghan Hounds:
Challenges and Considerations
Afghan Hounds are known for their remarkable look, which includes a long, silky coat and a regal gait. They are elegant and beautiful animals. Numerous fans are drawn to their distinct beauty.Grooming Requirements: In order to avoid matting and tangling, Afghan Hounds’ long, flowing coats require routine grooming. Grooming this breed requires a large time commitment.
Intelligence: These canines are renowned for their independent thought processes and intelligence. Afghan Hounds can learn commands and carry out tasks efficiently with the right training.autonomous Nature: Afghan Hounds are renowned for having an autonomous, even distant, personality. It could take some time to train them, and they might not always want to please.
Loyal Companionship: Afghan Hounds frequently show loyalty to their owners and can develop close relationships with them. They like spending time with their human family members and can be affectionate.High Energy Levels: To avoid boredom and destructive behaviours, these dogs, with their high energy levels, require regular exercise. A deficiency of mental and physical stimulation may cause problems.
Good with Children: Afghan Hounds may be kind and patient when raised around kids and given the right socialisation, which makes them excellent family pets.Sensitivity to Harsh Treatment: Afghan Hounds are delicate canines who could react negatively to rigorous training techniques. With this breed, gentle handling and positive reinforcement are most effective.
Athleticism: Afghan Hounds excel in sports like agility courses because of their agility and athleticism. Their physical and mental health depend on regular exercise.Afghan Hounds possess a strong prey drive, and small animals have the ability to arouse their chasing impulse. It is essential to have secure fence to keep them from escaping.

Are afghan hound aggressive?

In general, Afghan Hounds are calm, distant, and kind. They are not violent.

Are afghan hound dumb?

No, Afghan Hounds are smart canines with self-reliant, distant dispositions.

Are afghan hound smart?

It is true that Afghan Hounds are intelligent canines renowned for their grace and independence.

Are afghan hounds hypoallergenic?

Afghan Hounds need frequent grooming and shed, thus they are not hypoallergenic.

Are afghan hounds good pets?

Afghan Hounds need frequent exercise and grooming, but they make obedient, stylish companions.

Does afghan hound shed?

Afghan Hounds do shed, but only to a small extent that may be controlled with proper grooming.

How much afghan hound cost?

The price of an Afghan hound can range from $1,000 to $3,000, based on the breeder and lineage.

Where is afghan hound from?

When was the afghan hound bred?

Centuries ago is when the Afghan Hound was first bred.

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