Cachorro Pug

Com uma história rica e única que se estende por séculos, a raça de cachorro pug é cativante. Os Pugs foram popularizados pela primeira vez na China durante a dinastia Shang (c. 1600–1046 aC), e a aristocracia chinesa os amava por sua aparência sofisticada e personalidade encantadora. Quando os pugs foram trazidos para a Europa … Read more

Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound’s piercing eyes and long, flowing hair make it an impressive sight. With a history spanning thousands of years, they are a very old dog breed that is well-known for their independence, intelligence, and loyalty. These dogs were bred by the Afghan Bedouin people to hunt gazelles and other small game in the … Read more



The Affenpinscher breed was once composed of expert ratters who were assigned to rid homes, stables, and businesses of pests. Their size shrank as a result of selective breeding, making them suitable as companion animals. They have a reputation for being mischievous and having a love of trouble. Furthermore, Affenpinschers frequently defend themselves if they … Read more